Art. 22 The defense of the interests and rights of data subjects may be carried out in court
Art. 22 The defense of the interests and rights of data subjects may be carried out in court, individually or collectively, as provided in pertinent legislation regarding the instruments of …
Art. 21 Personal data concerning the regular exercise of rights by the data subject cannot be used to her/his detriment
Art. 21 Personal data concerning the regular exercise of rights by the data subject cannot be used to her/his detriment.
Art. 20 The data subject has the right to request for the review of decisions made solely based on automated processing
Art. 20 The data subject has the right to request for the review of decisions made solely based on automated processing of personal data affecting her/his interests, including decisions intended …
Art. 19 Confirmation of the existence of or access to personal data shall be provided by means of request by the data subject
Art. 19 Confirmation of the existence of or access to personal data shall be provided by means of request by the data subject: I – in a simplified format, immediately; …
Art. 18 The data subject , regarding the data subject’s data being processed by the controller
Art. 18 The data subject , regarding the data subject’s data being processed by the controller, at any time and by means of request, has the right to obtain the following …
Art. 17 Every natural person is assured ownership of her/his personal data, with the fundamental rights of freedom
Art. 17 Every natural person is assured ownership of her/his personal data, with the fundamental rights of freedom, intimacy and privacy being guaranteed, under the terms of this Law.